Logging-in to your Virtual Mailbox!
To login to your virtual mailbox, you have a couple of options.
Option 1: In the footer of Starthubcenters.com
When you visit our website, scroll all the way down on the home page, and look for the blue Login button. It should look like this:
Option 2: Copy paste this link into your web browser: https://mailbox.starthubcenters.com/customers/login
TIP: After clicking on the login button, you should bookmark this page so that it will be easier to access it next time.
You can also add a link to your screen's homepage if you are using your smartphone to access the virtual mailbox.
Important: You will need to have access to your username which was sent to you in the email named: "Membership Details".
If you don't remember your username or cannot find it, you can email us directly at help@starthubmiami.com.
If you forgot your password, click on reset my password and wait for the confirmation email. Make sure to enter your username exactly the way it was presented to you (case sensitive).